Mr Lucken  f.1984-04-07  1.14,7 1.12,4a
Able Mission (US) 1:57.1 (1977) - Zumilla Abbey 1.20,5 1.19,9a (1973)
Duke Abbey 1.19,7 1.18,8a (1958) - Montezuma 1.22,3 (1960)
Dumas O. (FR) 1.20,8 (1947) - Catania 1.47,4 (1951)
Locomotive (US) 1.18,8 (1943) - Missan 1.1.24,8 (1933)
Lee Axworthy j:r (US) 1.25,7 (1918) - Miss Vienna (DK) 1.25,3 (1922)
San Vienna (US) 1.27,0 (1915) - The Great Thorne (US) (1915)
Peter the Great 2:07 ¼ (1895) - Hawthorne 2:06 ¼ (1898)
Jay Bird (1878) - Lady Ham (1885)
Hambrino 2:21 ¼ (1869) - Molly
Ashland - Britton
Mambrino Britton - Kit
Sir Wallace